With the development of society and the importance attached to career planning by various sectors, the Career Guidance Unit has taken “Knowledge Changes Destiny, Aspirations Change Life” as its theme, hoping that students can contribute to society and set their own goals for the future.

To strengthen career planning education for junior-form students, two additional class periods on career planning were added for Form 1 students this year to inspire them to recognize their own personality, abilities as well as traits and to encourage them to pursue their dreams. Our team also collaborated with the Free Methodist Church of Hong Kong to hold a “simulated social experience activity” for Form 2 students. It not only enhanced their understanding of career planning concepts, but also inspired them to think about how to construct their own future. In the first term, Form 2 students chose a university programme or career that they were interested in, then gathered information or conducted interviews, and finally produced products such as posters, booklets, videos, and board games to showcase their findings. This promoted the exchange of information on studies and career choices among Form 2 students as they actively participated in the results sharing session. In addition, the “Form 3 Subject Selection Guide” has complied for Form 3 students and parents to provide them with more comprehensive information on studies. Due to recent reforms in some senior-form subjects’ curricula, our team also held a meeting for parents as well as a sharing session hosted by senior-form students to provide Form 3 students and parents with a better understanding of senior-form subjects and study life.

In addition to organizing a class period on “career mapping” for senior-form students, our team also arranged various sharing sessions on multiple pathways and academic departments, as well as mock interview workshops to encourage students to actively pursue their dreams and set goals. Besides, to give students a more concrete understanding of different professions, the unit held various career exploration experiential activities and sharing sessions, and students benefited greatly from them. This year, several senior-form students enrolled in different Applied Learning programmes, and they all indicated that the programmes helped them strengthen their exploration of future and career development.

The Career Guidance Unit hopes to enhance students’ career adaptability and career maturity through a range of activities and experiences, personal and group career guidance and counselling. Through helping students reflect on their learning and life experiences, they can transform their self-reflections into life goals, optimizing their personal career planning and managing their lives.

Please visit our website at https://www.makopan.edu.hk/CustomPage/42/careersdepthtml/act.html

香港神託會主辦馬錦明慈善基金馬可賓紀念中學 Stewards Ma Kam Ming Charitable Foundation Ma Ko Pan Memorial College
訪客人次: 31384
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